Saturday, April 2, 2011

Nothing comes to mind...

I am not sure what to write in this post. It has been awhile, so I am writing. We have had two wonderful days of warm and sunny weather. We have spent both of those days outside riding bikes, playing with friends (both old and new), and playing at the park. Those days have been glorious! Too bad it didn't last. The pictures with this post are just of the boys. I realized I hadn't taken pictures of them in a while and they are in desperate need to new pictures on their wall. So, we headed down to Main St. here in Payson and had a photo shoot. They were terrible. They wouldn't hold still or kept pulling funny faces. The shots of them together were ridiculous...the one posted is the only usable shot and it isn't very good but it was pretty fun and I did get some great shots. It helps that they are completely adorable! I hope that everyone is having a great day!

Riley loves to help Dad use the tools

Before we knew it both hands were in the cake and he loved it

Riley's first birthday and he isn't sure about the hat