Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Our Fourth of July celebration

We didn't do much for the 4th. We went to the park for the concert in the park that our city puts on every Sunday night and came home to do some sparklers. Riley was scared of the sparklers and wouldn't even hold one. Carter on the other hand was nervous at first but by the end was waving the sparkler like a sparkler should be waved. He also attempted to eat it. (Good thing I was right there) The 4th of July is a wonderful holiday and we are so blessed and honored to be Americans and live in the beautiful place. I am so grateful to live in a place free of war and full of the freedoms that we enjoy every day. Though it is not perfect, I love my country and am honored to be here. Here are a few pictures of our celebration.

I hope that you all had a wonderful celebration as well!

Carter's mosquito bite

We just went up to Dusty's parents house a few days ago. The mosquitos are really bad at their house and we discovered that Carter is allergic to mosquito bites. The pictures will show better that I can explain.

Carter on Saturday night.

Carter on Sunday morning. And yes, he is eating breakfast...it's the only way I could get him to hold still for a picture.

Sunday night.

Sunday night or Monday morning...can't really remember.

He is such the trooper. Even when he couldn't see he didn't let it bother him. So from now on we will be packing the bug spray everywhere we go.

Riley loves to help Dad use the tools

Before we knew it both hands were in the cake and he loved it

Riley's first birthday and he isn't sure about the hat