Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Little Bankers

For Christmas, my in-laws opened savings accounts for the boys. We have also had piggy banks for the boys since they were born, so we decided to take the money in their piggy banks and deposit it in the bank. Riley was really upset becuase he wanted to keep all his money, so we compromised. Riley could keep $5 to go and buy a magnifying glass since he has been wanting one for sometime. That did the trick and off to the bank we went. They each got a turn handing the woman behind the desk their money and and we went and got our magnifying glass. It was a good day and now Riley is proud to say that he is saving money for his mission. He says he is going to South Carolina (origin unknown) and is hoping to bring me or Dusty with him...if only.

Riley was still upset about going to the bank.

1 comment:

carrie said...

We miss our little friends. By next week let's get together!!!!!

Riley loves to help Dad use the tools

Before we knew it both hands were in the cake and he loved it

Riley's first birthday and he isn't sure about the hat